Enjoy a relaxing trip to Awajishima surrounded by blue and green nature.

From popular spots on Awajishima to how to spend the facilities, we will introduce recommended routes for two days and one night that can be enjoyed by small children and adults.


One of the world's three major trends, Naruto whirlpools.

DAY1 13:30
One of the world's three major trends, Naruto whirlpools.

Naruto whirlpools are one of the world's three major tides that occur in the Naruto Strait between Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture and Awajishima, Hyogo Prefecture. There is a whirlpool of up to about 20 meters, and the tide from the ship is popular. You can experience the power of nature.

Check-in lounge
Check-in lounge

DAY1 13:30
Check-in lounge

After arriving, you can use the lounge where you can enjoy the "all-inclusive" lounge. Please heal the fatigue of your trip with alcohol, soft drinks, sweets and snacks after you arrive at "Evening Social".

Kids corner

DAY1 16:00
Kids corner

The building has a space where small children can play, such as a kids room and a game corner, and a nursing room, and a nursing room.


DAY1 18:30

Enjoy an elegant dinner time at a dinner buffet where you can enjoy local food where you can enjoy carefully selected local ingredients. Not only can you enjoy beer and wine in free flow, but you can also enjoy meals that children can enjoy.

Open-air rock bath, large public bath

DAY1 20:00
Open-air rock bath, large public bath

To heal the tiredness of the day, warm your body with a hot spring bath or hot spring open-air bath. Fresh air refreshes your body and mind.

Onsen Lounge

DAY1 21:00
Onsen Lounge

After taking a bath, after taking a bath, moisten your throat with a refreshing vinegar drink, and how about a day's memories of the day on the sofa? Adults should enjoy amazake at night.



DAY2 7:00

Have a morning time to taste local food perfect for breakfast and buffet dishes that make use of the rich ingredients of Western and Japanese food. Drinks such as special smoothies and soft drinks are also free flow, so both adults and children can enjoy it to their hearts' content.

Awaji Farm Parkin Grand Hill

DAY2 11:00
Awaji Farm Parkin Grand Hill

Awajishima's sightseeing In an agricultural park full of nature, about 30 kinds of animals such as koalas, rabbits and sheep, live in an agricultural park full of nature.


DAY2 13:00

Located in Hyogo Prefectural Awajishima Park, a new sensation theme park with the theme of animation, technology and nature. You can enjoy it at different attractions day and night that make use of nature.

The evening view of the Naruto Strait

DAY2 17:00
The evening view of the Naruto Strait

The Naruto Strait, which shows a variety of expressions depending on the season and time of day, is especially fascinating. The changing beauty of nature makes the evening view of the Naruto Strait even more special.

Appearance | Grand Mercure Awaji Island Resort & Spa

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